How to Level Up Your Cloud Game with DigitalOcean's Powerful Functions

What are cloud functions

Cloud functions are literally functions that you can deploy online to run things for you. This allows engineers and developers to run code without worrying about server management.

For example, let’s say that you have a node javascript function that returns you the current date:

function getTodaysDate() {
	return new Date();

Suppose that you want to host this function online, so anybody can access your awesome function by just going to and it will return you the date.

Before you would have to create an entire server in your preferred backend language to handle this endpoint. But now, you can easily deploy this function online to accomplish this task with minimal effort, using serverless cloud functions ☁️

Isn’t that nice? 😲

Ok, so where can you host cloud functions?

For this tutorial, we will be using Digital Ocean cloud functions as our preferred serverless computing platform. Digital Ocean is a popular choice for developers due to its simplicity and ease of use. Remember that you can get $200 in credit to start playing with it if you use my referral link 🤑

There are other options available to you that offer serverless computing services, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and IBM Cloud.

Being AWS my second favorite, I will do another tutorial using them, so stay tuned for that 🤓

Ok so, lets get started!


Before we dive in, make sure you have these items ready to go:

  • A Digital Ocean account. (Get free $200 on credits if you use my referral link)
  • Install Digital Ocean CDK doctl, follow the instructions here
  • Latest Node.js and NPM versions.
  • A general knowledge of JavaScript or Node.js functions

What are we building

We’ll create a “names shuffler” - a tool that takes a list of names and returns them in a random order. This can help determine the order of participation in standup meetings.

To keep things short, we’ll focus on the cloud function’s functionality and create a single one called nameShuffler().

We’ll assign it an endpoint of /shuffle and pass the attendees’ names via params.attendees.

for example: /shuffle?attendees=aus,tony,karol,mark,timmy

and it will return us back a array of the attendees in random order:

[ 'Tony', 'Mark', 'Karol', 'Timmy', 'Aus' ]

Project creation

Let’s bootstrap our project structure for Digital Ocean Cloud Functions.

  1. Create a new folder called my_cloud_functions and navigate inside of it
$ mkdir name_shuffler && cd names_shuffler
  1. Now we just need to follow the folder structure that Digital Ocean has for their cloud functions. So we need to put any cloud function name as a folder name inside a folder named packages, so let’s create those folders.
$ mkdir -p packages/cloud/names_shuffler

if you are on windows try this instead:

$ mkdir packages\cloud\names_shuffler
  1. now open that folder with your favorite IDE, I will be using VSCode 😎
$ code .
  1. You should end up with a project that has this folder structure so far:
└── packages
    └── cloud
        └── names_shuffler
  1. Navigate inside the names_shuffler folder
$ cd packages/names_shuffler
  1. Create an index.js file inside
$ touch index.js

if you are on windows try this instead:

$ type NUL > index.js
  1. Initiate a new npm project inside by running:
$ npm init -y 
  1. now lets install inside that folder the only dependency we are gonna use, shuffle-array
$ npm install --package-lock-only shuffle-array

Since we are gonna be running this functions on the cloud, we don’t need to install the dependency locally, that is why we are adding the flag --package-lock-only to the npm install

  1. now you should have this file structure
└── packages
   └── cloud
        └── names_shuffler
            ├── index.js
            └── package.json

As you may have already noticed, each folder inside cloud/ represents its own cloud function. Is like if every folder its a separate node project. This means that if you require any dependencies, you will need to install them inside each individual folder.

  1. Now add this code to our index.js file located inside the names_shuffler folder.
// Our main function that will be called by the cloud function
function main(args) {
    // The library to shuffle the names
    const shuffle = require('shuffle-array')

    // Extract the attendees from the arguments
    const { attendees = '' } = args;

    // Split the attendees into an array
    const names = attendees.split(',');

    // Shuffle the names
    const shuffledNames = shuffle(names);

    // Return the shuffled names
    return {
        body: { names: shuffledNames },
        statusCode: 500,

// IMPORTANT: Makes the function available as a module in the project.
// This is required for any functions that require external dependencies.
exports.main = main;

I added some comments for you to understand what is happening

Wrapping up

Well now that we did all the magic inside that index.js file, it is time to deploy it to the Digital Ocean cloud using doctl

But before that, we are gonna need to tell doctl how we structured our code and where to find our functions, and this is by creating a file called project.yml at the root of the project.

$ touch project.yml 

if you are on windows try this instead:

# for windows users
$ type NUL > project.yml

So your project file structure now looks like this

├─ packages
│  └── cloud
│       └── names_shuffler
│           ├── index.js
│           └── package.json
└── project.yml 👈 

Note that project.yml is now there

Inside project.yml add this code:

  - name: cloud
      - name: names_shuffler
          timeout: 5000
          memory: 256

The code above basically will just tell Digital Ocean how to handle our cloud functions, the timeout limit, and the memory, so far we only have one (names_shuffler) remember.

Remember that cloud functions have to be quick and shouldn’t take too much time to load, thats why it is super important to set a timeout

Deploying it into the cloud

Now that we have defined everything, we are ready to push this into the cloud!

Navigate to and click on “Create Namespace”


You can select the datacenter region of your choice and assign a label name of your choice as well, I am naming it “names-shuffler”.

then just click on “Create Namespace”, and you should be all set.

Back to the console on your machine:

If you followed the instructions from the prerequisites about installing and configuring doctl,

instructions here you should be able to see your account linked when you run this command:

$ doctl account get

Enable serverless on your machine:

$ doctl serverless install

Once that we confirmed that you are connected to you Digital Ocean account, we need to connect to it:

$ doctl serverless connect

if you have multiple namespaces, you should see a prompt to pick one

You should see something like this:


Once connected, deploy the function by running the following command from the app’s root directory:

$ doctl serverless deploy .

You should see something like this:


Congratulations! 🤩 You just deployed your first cloud function!

now lets test it:

To see your cloud function endpoint you can run:

$ doctl serverless functions get cloud/names_shuffler --url

you should see your URL, just copy it and navigate to it on your browser.


just add a param called ?attendees=aus,tony,karol,mark,timmy at the end of your URL with the names that you want to shuffle

You should be able to get a similar response to this:


Final thoughts

I hope you liked this tutorial, remember that any change you want to make on your code, you just need to re-run the deploy command:

$ doctl serverless deploy .

The concepts are pretty much the same for any cloud functions out there like Google, AWS, etc.

There is an endless list of applications for cloud functions that you can use for your own projects. Check out something called serverless JAMstack, basically are apps that don’t have servers on the backend nor the frontend. I will make a tutorial about that soon!

Let me know if you come across any issues in the comment section, I would be happy to help!