5 Tips for Creating a Stellar Github Profile ✨

In today’s world, image is everything. How you present yourself and your work online is crucial, whether you’re looking to land a better job, showcase your work and passion, or just have fun.

That’s why it’s important to have an attractive Github profile. In this document, we’ll share 5 tips and tricks to help you achieve that goal. 😏

1. Adding a template to your profile

This is probably the most important step.

There are some chances that you have seen some Github profile pages that look like a website, for example, take a look at mine https://github.com/ausgomez


This is just an markdown template and it is probably the best way to add a nice touch to your profile, you just need to find a nice template. I didn’t even made this, I just adapted it to my profile, and I will show you how to do yours.

Here are the steps:

  • First, you need to find an .md template, here is a good repo that has a bunch of them: https://github.com/durgeshsamariya/awesome-github-profile-readme-templates

  • Once you found your favorite .md tempate, just copy the source code of it by clicking on the copy icon on the top right corner of the file.


  • now go to you need to create a new github repository by going here https://github.com/new

  • on the name of the “repository name”, type exactly the same name as your profile, in my case it will be just “ausgomez”


    As you can see, it already detected that this is a special repo, so make sure you see that message box as well.

    make sure that it is a public repo, then click “Create Repository”

  • You should see an empty repository page, within there, click on the README hyperlink


  • You should see a page like this:


  • Just replace all the text inside with the text you copied from your .md template of choice, here is mine, and make any changes to the md text to match your name, experience, etc.

  • Remember that you can click on “Preview” to see how it is looking.


  • After you are finished editing it, just click on Commit new file at the bottom the page:


  • You are done! congratulations now your Github profile page should have a new look, go back to your profile page to see it in action!

2. Have a nice looking profile picture

For your profile picture or photo, there are a few things to keep in mind. While it doesn’t necessarily have to be a photo of yourself, it should be something that represents you and your personal brand. This can be a logo, a symbol, or even an illustration that captures your style.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of avatar generators available online that can help you create a unique and eye-catching profile picture. Here are a few of my personal favorites:

  • Bitmoji: This popular app allows you to create a cartoon version of yourself that you can use as your profile picture.

  • Avataaars: This free avatar generator lets you customize a character with different facial features, clothing, and accessories.

  • Cartoonify: This fun tool turns a photo of yourself into a cartoon avatar that you can use on all your social media profiles.

So don’t be afraid to get creative with your profile picture. Whether you choose to use a photo of yourself or an avatar, just make sure it accurately reflects your personal brand and style.


3. Include a link to your personal website

Having a personal portfolio website is very beneficial for showcasing your projects, skills, and experience to potential employers or clients. If you don’t have one yet, don’t worry, creating one is easier than you might think. Github offers a free and easy way to create a portfolio website using their Github Pages feature.

You can create your free Github, also there you can learn how to create your own website in just a few simple steps. Follow this official url to get started: https://pages.github.com/

Once you have your website set up, you can add and update your projects, write about your experience and skills, and even start a blog to share your thoughts and insights.


4. Pin some of your most interesting Github projects

On your Github profile page, there is a section called “Pinned” at the bottom. This section allows you to showcase any of your repositories to visitors, regardless of their size. Even if your repositories are not very large, they will look great on your profile when pinned.


5. Add a nice bio on your profile


Write a brief and catchy description of yourself. You can use emojis as well. I often use emojis from https://emojipedia.org/.

If you don’t know what to write, you can always ask ChatGPT! Hehe. 🤫

Final Thoughts

Remember, everything is about image. When it comes to online presence, we need to communicate who we are, what we like to do, and our passions as best we can. If you are a developer, investing a little bit of time on your Github is the best thing to do.

I hope you found this list useful, and if anything please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message or leave a comment on the comment section. Happy coding!